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  • Writer's pictureNatalie Lee

My secrect fragrance formula inspired by the book Game of Thrones

As I mentioned in the previous post, for the completion of the KNDA Aroma Expert Instructor course, I have to complete a final project. In this fragrance project, I have chosen to work on the background of "A Song of Ice and Fire" from the Game of Thrones Series.

Before we start to mix the aroma compounds or essential oils, we need to think of a theme like any other subject in school. I had a lot of thoughts but because of the newly released "House of the Dragon", the theme song of Game of Thrones was surrounding my ears. Somehow it made me really want to create aromas that I think it's suitable for the houses and match the story.

It was not an easy job. I mean it. I am no die heart fan of the book and I only watched until season 7 of the TV series. But thanks to the BGM and the images given by the TV series, it did give me some ideas of the characteristics of people from each house. I had a deep impression of the house Targaryen, house Stark, House Lannister, and the country of Westeros. So I drafted it down with my impressions and drew a mind map, trying to expend all the ideas that I had. My next job is to try and match those ideas written on paper to match with aroma compounds and create the final fragrance to represent my ideas.

It was a time-consuming job. Spending time in the aroma lab for a whole day sometimes can decrease your perception of aromas. Coffee breaks and fresh air were needed to let my sense refresh before I can continue mixing the aroma compounds.

Below I will share one of my favorite fragrances - the House Stark's aroma that I imagined. I used a total of 24 aromas (for some I used ready-made aromas, like Ice-berg & peppermint, if you would like to create your own, it will need more aroma compounds but you can create by other isolates or essential oils by yourselves, just even with the same formula, there might be differences due to different percentage you added each compound). So let's have a look at my formula for House Stark:

*Listen to the BGM when you read the formula and let us know what you think!

  1. Borneol

  2. Ice Berg

  3. Peppermint

  4. Menthol Crystals

  5. PADMA

  6. Cucumber

  7. Cls-3 Hexenol

  8. Mushroom

  9. Ozone

  10. Oakmoss

  11. Calone

  12. Leather

  13. Animal

  14. Green Pine

  15. Pine Needle

  16. Alpha Piene

  17. Thymol

  18. Para-cresyl Acetate

  19. Vetivert

  20. Wood

  21. Vetiver Essential

  22. Guaiacwond Essential

  23. Sandalwood

  24. Benzyl Alcohol

I guess some of you can already tell why I chose the compounds above, such as iceberg - Winterfell is cold! Animal-the grey dire wolf, the usage of pine to represent tall trees, the forest mixed some green, moss aromas to present the forest... My thoughts about the Stark are always sad, I respect every member of House Stark, Robb, Bran, Arya even Sansa. But you may also notice I did not put any feminine aroma in this formula. I think people from this house are brave and most of the time they have to deal with loneliness, no matter what in the north, Bran had to stay alive, and Ayra had to escape and hide... I added a bit of loneliness and distanced feeling to this fragrance. Adding space with Ozone. This family has been through a lot of pain, that's the reason I added Thymol and Benzyl Alcohol to represent the pain and anesthesia.

My friends and clients really enjoyed this fragrance and it can apply in perfume (for both men and women), room spray, and diffuser. I hope you enjoy this formula as much as I do. I found peace and a sense of braveness, and also it calms me down when I need to work under pressure to face big-scale projects. This aroma is recommended when you want to have some alone time, stay focused, to numb your fear and senses.

Next time I will share on how to create fragrance based on music or images based on the Synesthesia theory.

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